Multiple choice questions are by default closed-ended questions, which allow respondents to choose one or more choices.
For each choice, you can turn on the Ask explanation setting to create a semi-open question (open + closed).
Single answer (multiple choice question)
The most common question type is Single answer multiple choice question, which allows the respondent to choose only one answer from a given set of answers. These answer options are displayed with circular buttons (indicating that only one answer can be selected). This type is suitable for collecting well-structured data and displaying the results on a graph.
Single answer multiple choice question example
It is also possible to add an image for each choice of the multiple choice question. This allows the choice to be illustrated or to give the respondent an opportunity to evaluate any visual characteristics.
Single answer multiple choice question with images example
For a Single answer multiple choice question, you can use the following features:
Required – Make answering the question mandatory.
Description – Add a help text under the title of the question.
Image choice – Use the opportunity to add an image to each choice.
Skip logic – Use page-skipping logic to create custom paths through the survey based on each respondent's answers.
Ask explanation – Turn a closed question into a semi-open one: ask the respondent an additional open question for one or more choices. For example, for the choice "Other", ask for clarification.
Export values – For data export, use different answer choice labels, to simplify the analysis of the results. For example, for a 5-point scale, the text of the first choice could be "Very Satisfied" and the matching export value could be "5".
Multiple answers (multiple choice question)
Another popular type of question is the Multiple answers multiple choice question, which allows the respondent to choose one or more answers from a given set of answers. These answer options are marked with square check boxes. This type is also well suited for collecting structured data and displaying results in a multi-layer graph.
Multiple answers multiple choice question example
For a Multiple answers multiple choice question, you can use the following features:
Required – Make answering the question mandatory.
Description – Add a help text under the title of the question.
Image choice – Use the opportunity to add an image to each choice.
Ask explanation – Turn a closed question into a semi-open one: ask the respondent an additional open question for one or more choices. For example, for the choice "Other", ask for clarification.
Export values – For data export, use different answer choice labels, to simplify the analysis of the results. For example, for a 5-point scale, the text of the first choice could be "Very Satisfied" and the matching export value could be "5".
Validate answers range – Validate the number of selected answers for a single multiple choice question. Both the minimum and maximum number can be specified. For example, the respondent must choose a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 choices from total of 5.
Dropdown (multiple choice question)
The dropdown question type helps the respondent to choose one answer choice from a list of choices presented in a drop-down menu, which can be conveniently scrolled through.
Dropdown multiple choice question example
For a Dropdown multiple choice question, you can use the following options:
Required – Make answering the question mandatory.
Description – Add a help text under the title of the question.
Skip logic – Use page-skipping logic to create custom paths through the survey based on each respondent's answers.
Ask explanation – Turn a closed question into a semi-open one: ask the respondent an additional open question for one or more choices. For example, for the choice "Other", ask for clarification.
Export values – For data export, use different answer choice labels, to simplify the analysis of the results. For example, for a 5-point scale, the text of the first choice could be "Very Satisfied" and the matching export value could be "5".